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Racing a Special

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Racing a Special
From: Clark Smith <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 00:22:25 -0700
Hi All,

For some time, I have been interested in restoring and racing a unique car
with some actual, traceable racing history.  It will be necessary,
financially, to buy some wreck out of some forgotten wherehouse and slowly
piece the thing together.  Part of my hope was that this car would someday
be eligible for the Mille Miglia.

So I've put out the word with a friend who does top notch restorations of
esoteric cars that if something unusual, and affordable comes along, let me

Well he called me with a unique special made by a somewhat successful race
car designer and builder here on the West Coast, Jack Hagemann.  I've met
Hagemann at various car events and he is wonderful, intelligent man.

The car is a very light weight (est 800 pounds with engine) tube frame
chassis with aluminum cycle fendered body.  The drive train used a Simca 8
engine and transmission at about 1300 CCs and included some midget torsion
bars, etc.  It originally was built for a rich (inherited) guy that no one
seems to think had any real talent.  He built the car in 1953 to run
against Roger Barlow's Simca Specials and, I am told,  might have had a
chance if it had a driver.  I believe its (and its driver's) first race was
Golden Gate Park in 1953 where Hagemann says the guy drove over something
and messed the car up a little.  It also took a distant third behind Miles
and von Neumann at Madera.  By 1954, the Porsches were kicking butt so this
guy bought an OSCA.  I don't know what happened to this Hagemann Special
after 1954.

I have six pictures of the car in its current state.  Let me just say that
it is difficult to visualize what this car should look like.  Its a mess.
Just the chassis and bunch of of aluminum panels.  No engine or trans,
guages, steering wheel, etc, etc.  If I'm lucky, this is a five year

Now for the questions:

This car is right hand drive.  How difficult is that to adapt to?  Assuming
I drive a left hand drive car daily, is there any hope that I ever will be
any good at racing this car?

Can 1300ccs, even in an 800 pound chassis, ever give a thrill?

The car's designer has a respected history (he built 12 or so cars from
scratch and heavily modified probably another 12 production cars) here in
the West.  I had heard of the driver (partially because of the research I
did on my film) but don't think he ever amounted to much. (The people I've
spoken to about him didn't like the guy.)  And, the window of opportunity
for this car to be successful was pretty much squandered.  Can anyone
compare a  car with a similar history that might lead me to a value when
completed?  Is this a once in a lifetime opportunity?  No matter what I pay
for this wreck, can it ever make financial sense?  Or, should I be so
emotionally wrapped up in the prospect of owning it that money shouldn't be
a consideration?

As far as Mille Miglia eligibility, I'd say slim to none- would you agree?
I should be welcome most anywhere in this country though, right?

Usually when I struggle with a descision like this, it means that it's not
a good fit.  If I get a bunch of responses from you guys, it may well
affect what I do.

Thank you very much for your thoughts,


"Hay Bales and Asphalt"
a video featuring vintage footage
of motor racing from 1957 to 1961.
Images and description at

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