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RE: Elva info?

To: Keith Kaplan <>
Subject: RE: Elva info?
From: Jeremy Braithwaite <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 22:40:12 -0500

<<Here in the States, where we don't use the word wanker (but there are
enough Brits and Australians on the NT team to teach me such fine points
of culture; I also know words like knackered and buggered now), we use
the word wang to refer to a penis.  So Wang couldn't get much worse with
the US audience.  >>

How the hell did Dr Wang ever sell any machines if everybody thought they
were a prick to use?

BTW that's more aussie/brit culture .... 

Are you on the NT development team?


Age & Treachery Racing Australia

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