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RE: Elva info?

Subject: RE: Elva info?
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 18:45:11 PST
Even funnier:  In Japan, some unnamed company was developing a new
computer with a touch screen for educational purposes.  They went to
great trouble and expense to license Woody the Woodpecker from Hanna-
Barbera as the product's mascot.  The slogan was to be, "Touch Woody."
On the very eve of the product launch, somebody pointed out to them what
this meant.  The product and all literature was pulled until they could
clean the mess up.  Time to fall on your swords, guys. ;=(

>In a similar vein I understand that the IT company W*ng developed at
>huge expense a new services initiative for their customers which they
>called 'W*ngCare'.  It was only after they had printed all the brochures
>and distributed them all around the world that somebody actually
>pronounced the name out loud!  Must have been somewhat career limiting.

Ob.  Car Content:  There was also supposed to be a car called the
Banshee, until some Irishman pointed out that the Banshee was a mythical
monster that emitted a piercing scream before pouncing upon its victims,
carrying them off to certain doom. (Screeech, crash!)

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