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Re: Canada Class - HWS

To: Murray Taylor <>
Subject: Re: Canada Class - HWS
From: Mike & Jaye Rosen <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 14:04:26 -0500
As a point of interest, the Autosport Special is 'sort of' available in that 
D.Baker would sell it for $3000.00 CDN  (about $2.50 US).
It's reasonably complete - it's built around a Buckler chassis.
The Ferret Mk.I is also for sale now - pretty rough for $3500 US it has a 
twin nostril shark nose like the Ferarri F1 of '61 - but much uglier.
I have a copy of a photo of a novice grid at  Le Circuit Mt. Tremblant with 
the Ferret Mk1, Kiki Mk1 which was a Canada Class car with a Devin 
body and Gemini suspension. When the car was scrapped in the early 
'80s (who knew?) the suspension went into the restoration of Steve 
Bodrug's Gemini Mk4A Formula Junior (one of two remaining)
Also on this grid was an early Astur - single seat/open wheel,  a Whitton 
(a latter Canada Class fendered/two place cockpit) and a Sadler Formula 
Jr./Canada Class like the one that John DeMaria is currently restoring.

As a note to our US friends, with the cars currently being restored, club 
members of VARAC (Vintage Automobile Racing Assoc. of Canada) will 
have 20+ Canadian race cars including the Stebro - Only Canadian Car to 
ever run in Grand Prix (7th in 1963 Watkins Glen) and the first time a Ford 
engine was EVER used in a Grand Prix, 1961 Sadler Mk V - prototype for 
all the soon to come Can-Am cars and the 1960 Sadler 'Formula 
Ferocious" the first  V8 rear engined open wheel car.
Our Canadian cars are one of the things that some of us here take no 
small pride in.
Thanks for letting me ramble on (as if I gave you a choice)

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