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Re: Chrome/Moly 4340

To: "Dunst, Mordecai" <mdunst@smtplink.Coh.ORG>
Subject: Re: Chrome/Moly 4340
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 08:50:17 -0500
At 11:57 AM 1/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>     Question: If you had to choose a metal to make a crankshaft which
>               would you use.

I've always wondered why the "EN-40" cranks in Cooper-S engines, for
example, use EN-40 steel, when no other reference on steel I've happened
across talks about EN -anything!  Anybody got the good word on EN-stuff vs
4340, etc?
Brian Evans
Director, ISP Marketing
UUNET Canada Inc.
20 Bay Street, Suite 1910
Toronto, ON, M5J 2N8

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