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Chrome/Moly 4340

Subject: Chrome/Moly 4340
From: "Dunst, Mordecai" <mdunst@smtplink.Coh.ORG>
Date: Wed, 01 Jan 97 08:57:40 pst
     Question: If you had to choose a metal to make a crankshaft which
               would you use.
               Moldex uses 4340. Carol Smith's "Engineer to Win" says that 
     it is an excellent metal.  However, they say that there is a 4340
     modified metal that is superior in some respects but possibly not
     in others.  This Modified 4340 has a trace of Vanadium which is 
     supposed to give it more grain streingth.
               Does it matter who makes/processes metal?  i.e. which
               The book indicates that 4340 should not be hardened to
               Rockwell C of ?43-46- it becomes very brittle.  
               After the Crank is made and testing of hardness is done
               can the actual crank be tested or should Coupons treated
               simultaneously with the Crank be tested instead?   Does the 
               hardness testing injure the metal? 
               Any metallurgists with advice?  
               Mordy Dunst   

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