For myself, and CSRG, thanks to all the Vintage Race List members who made it
to Thunderhill this past weekend. Gorgeous weather on Friday and Saturday,
and a little wind on Sunday, made for a fun weekend. I'm happy to report the
racing was safe (at least up to the Enduro when I had to leave), with the
exception of one poor street MGB who decided to rearrange the K barriers
during a noon-time car club tour!!
We were fortunate to hear from Bob Winkelmann, who spoke at our Saturday
night dinner, and learned more about his experiences in racing, building
cars, and his recent efforts with the Breedlove land speed record. In fact,
Bob went on to assist Breedlove on Sunday. (Apologies for the slow food
delivery....I think we overwhelmed the kitchen staff.) Next year, we'll try
and get the program wound up a little earlier.
We started a bit too late this year on organizing this event to coordinate
well with SCCA and other clubs, but next year we have the same date (the
weekend after SCCA @ Laguna) and hope to better coordinate to have some
activities associated with both event to entertain the out-of-towners, as
well as the locals, as well as work on an event "theme" to entice more racers
out to Thunderhill. We MIGHT even try running the track the other
direction!! (like running a whole new track)!!
While it still must be discussed with the CSRG Board, my personal feeling is
that the 2 hour Enduro appears to be of very limited interest, especially
after seeing the low number of cars actually turning out. In the past, we've
tried other ideas, like a team relay race (lots of fun), scratch races, and
featured marque races. Any ideas and suggestions you might offer would be
most appreciated.
As it looks like I'm retired now for the balance of this season, hope to see
you out there next year.
Myles H. Kitchen
Thunderhill Race Co-Chair