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Subject: Insurance
From: (jim hayes)
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 17:21:32 -0400
I took my own advice from recent discussions and caled Bill Parish in 
Nashville, TN who specializes in racing insurance. Since I grew up in 
Nashville, we had to spend an hour trading stories, but finally talked 

Bill confirmed that the waiver that "wealthy driver with the expensive car" 
signed when he entered the track precludes any suits against anyone else 
over any incident that occurs on track. This has been tested up to the 
Supreme Court in NY. Even the incident I had heard of in CA where a SCCA 
instructor was sued by a student who crashed doing what the instructor said 
was settled in favor of the instructor - the student was in control, not the 
Breathe a sigh of relief, if you worry about such things!

Also, my own insurance agent dances around when asked about my cars when 
they are stored in the garage or on the trailer. For less than 1% declared 
value per year, Bill wil provide comprehensive and theft insurance. I'm 
signing on - remembering the guy with the Alfa GTA freshly restored that is 
for sale for peanuts after a trailering incident!

Bill can be reached at 1-800-274-1804. Call him with your questions.
veni, vedi, veloce

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