I don't vintage race, don't own one, probably can't afford to do it, but if
VSCCA is concerned about disproportionate representation (their words) of the
MGA, then why don't they be more flexible with the TR3 (particulary TR3A's)?
Wouldn't more participation in these events be a good thing?
p.s. I'm with the folks that advocate running your non-VSCCA eligible
run-what-you-brung car witht the local clubs like COM and EMRA (in the
Northeast) or even the local BMW/Porche/Lotus/what-have-you owner groups. Make
your car safe by some minimum standard (set by the club) and then go for it. If
that's not enough fun for you, take the plunge and find a vehicle that is
elegible for VSCCA or whatever.
Disclaimer: folks that know me from other mail lists know that I am fairly
biased towrd Coventry built cars, particularly Triumph TRs'.
Bob Lang Room 11-221 | This space for rent.
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url: http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena/user/b/l/blang/www/home.html
Quote: grep is a form of textual harrasment.