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Re: race track descriptions, race web

To: (Mark Magee)
Subject: Re: race track descriptions, race web
From: "Roger Garnett" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 14:16:45 -5000
Mark Magee writes:

> Jim Fuerstenberg suggested you may have electronic copies of race track
> descriptions.  If so, I am interested in adding them to a web page.

No need to start a new server- On the Vintage Race web, there are
pointers to 3 existing web servers which provide some track descrptions,
maps, hot laps, etc. Look on:

and check the vintage and other "racing links page". (updated July 3rd)

Australia From Mike Gigante's Auto pages 
North America From Rich Welty's SCCA pages 
World  From Darren Galpin's Motorsports pages 

If anyone races at a track which doesn't have details listed, it's very
useful if you can help out by sending info to one of these web
maintainers. Whatever you can- lap descriptions, map scans, etc.

Speakng of which, don't forget that we could use lots more stuff for the
Vintage Race web itself- we have plenty of room for pictures, tech info,
links to personel vintage racer pages, etc. Anyone can put stuff on the
ftp server, at, in the /vintage and /vintage/Images

If you have scans, or articles you'd like to make available, and don't
know how, or need help getting them to the ftp server- let me know. I can 
also convert text to web format to add to the web pages.

Has anyone got an "Intro to Vintage Racing", or "How to get started", or 
"How to prepare a car" article in electronic form we could put up?

  /___  _  \    Roger Garnett            (
 /|   ||  \ \   Agricultural Economics  | The Wayward Sports Car Centre
| |___||  _  |  3 Warren Hall           |
| | \  |   | |  Cornell University      | 
 \|  \ |__/ /   Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801 | (607) 533-7735
  \________/    (607) 255-2522          | Safety Fast!

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