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Re: Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix

Subject: Re: Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix
From: (Gary Shell)
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 11:42:30 -0400
>    Sorry to hear about the crappy turn-out at MID-OHIO!

Hey now, don't put words in my mouth.  I got enough there already! <big ole
grin>  I didn't say it was a crappy turn out.  Just that there weren't as
many folks as the first few years of the event.  I was lamenting what
appears to be a decline in spectators and the other goings on supporting the
event.  The turn out of participants in most classes was as good or better
than the past.  A few (namely the Can Am cars) were smaller.

\_                  \_        MBComputing
\_  Gary Shell      \_ 
\_                  \_      Conch Productions   
\_  \_
\_                  \_   Ultrasuede Recording Studio

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