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Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix

Subject: Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix
From: "Lance Kennelty" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 08:56:26 EST5EDT
Hi all,
    Sorry to hear about the crappy turn-out at MID-OHIO!  But, there 
is good news.  July 15th and 16th the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix 
gets going in Schenley Park.   I'm a corner worker there each year 
and I wouldn't miss it for anything.  The good news about our event 
is that admission for spectators is absolutely free!  Our event 
benefits the Autism Society and we make most of our money off  
Programs, T-Shirts, and Patron Parking.   Schenley is looking good 
this year.  The only bumby spot appears to be the bridge right before 
Phipp's Conservatory and the old Start/Fin line.  I should know 
because I drive a part of the course every morning on my way to work 
here in Oakland.  

If you have any questions about this year's event or you need 
directions to registration on Friday night I'd be glad to help you.  

I hope we have good weather and a big turn-out of fans this year.  If 
you are planning on racing this year be prepared for one of the best 
(and perhaps last) natural road courses around.  

See you in July!


Lance M. Kennelty
Systems Analyst
Office Systems Services
Computing and Information Services
University of Pittsburgh
419F Bellfield Hall
Pittsburgh PA 15261

PHONE:  (412) 624-2977

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