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RE: Exhaustive queries

Subject: RE: Exhaustive queries
From: "Hill, Stephen M EDUC:EX" <>
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 09:54:05 -0800
Richard, a couple of thoughts....

On the question of smog, my best guess is a header would not affect smog
values. You would be reducing back pressure, but I don't see any direct
linkage between that and smog. I don't know what standards you are working
to, but you may need to keep noise abatement in mind.

Selection of an muffler is tricky with these cars as there is very little
room underneath. The advantage of two pipe system is it should allow you to
use 2 smaller mufflers. The advantage of the single pipe is it gives you
more options on location.  I think it is safe to say a two pipe run would
reduce back pressure. Whether this would make any appreciable difference AND
not create any installation problems is one of them there empirical
questions. Advice, anybody??

If you are trying to achieve a free flow exhaust system, then I agree you
should look at replacing the stock exhaust manifold with a header. I also
saw the SS exhaust header from Falcon in the TRF catalogue. In the catalogue
is a steel header (called Pacesetter??), along with some notes that that it
may require bending, grinding, cutting, etc.  I believe I installed this
brand of steel header on my 2500 years ago, and can confirm that it was an
inferior fit, and a perfect pain in the ass to install. The company was real
helpful: they sent me extra exhaust gaskets as double gasketting was the
only way to seal the damn thing up. Despite the price, my advice is to go
with the one that comes with some reassurance that it will fit.


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