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Re: ww conversion

Subject: Re: ww conversion
From: William Zehring <>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 08:47:23 -0500
At 03:12 PM 11/26/98 EST, you wrote:

>Never wanted to be "Wired" myself...
>           Nick in Nor Cal

As usual, Nick, I wait until I hear from you befor I do ANYTHING.  :-)

In fact, I'm getting cold feet on the wire wheels.  I was talking with a
friend over the weekend and he pointed out that I could get four panasports
for only ~$200 more than I can get these wires/hubs and those are new
wheels that won't need trueing, shotblasting, painting, etc. etc., and if I
do say so myself, I think this TVR will look FANTASTIC with panasports
(what doesn't look good with panasports, really?)!!

So, its looking like I'll be keeping my powder dry for a while here.

Will (who may be over his lust for a europa, at least temporarilly)

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