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Any chance we could get you to share some of those stories?
-------- Original message --------
From: John Macartney <johnbmacartney@gmx.com>
Date: 2/4/22 3:13 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: [TR] Another Triumph loss
I=92m guessing that few, if any, on this list will recognise the name of Da=
vid Gleed. Until he retired DAVE worked for Standard-Triumph and BL/MG Rove=
r. He came to prominence when he worked in the Competitions Dept in Coventr=
y and along with the late Ray Henderson and a few other unsung stalwarts, g=
ot to work on the rally cars under Ken Richardson and travelled several tim=
es as part of the Works Team at Le Mans and many of the European rallies. D=
AVE=92s stories of starting and working on the Sabrina engined cars were le=
gendary - and he had many. DAVE=92s automotive love was his long door TR2 t=
hat got taken out and blasted around Coventry and district whenever the moo=
d took him - which was often. His thoughts on MVC 575 being cosseted like a=
piece of Meissen porcelain were mostly very apt and hit the mark, though p=
erhaps not printable.
I got to renew my friendship with Dave when I was organising event days for=
ST at BMIHT and I always knew he=92d be the first to book space for his st=
and where he sold unobtanium. No one knew his sources and he=92d never divu=
lge them but if you found yourself really stuck for a vital NLS component, =
Dave was the man to ask. He=92d find it, though there was always the chance=
he=92d already got it stashed away in his storeroom and usually several mo=
re than just one.
He died rather suddenly earlier this month at age 86 with his devoted wife =
and fellow stall worker Margaret at his side. The Triumph fraternity has lo=
st a truly remarkable, kind, generous, caring, knowledgeable and incredibly=
funny man who was imho one of the true =91Motor industry=92 greats of the =
post war years. An unsung hero if ever there was one and although I=92m eig=
ht years his junior, there=92s no doubt in my mind that Triumph enthusiasts=
the world over have lost someone who was really special and truly one of a=
kind. Bless you my lovely funny friend. You won=92t set your overalls slee=
ves on fire doing a cold start on a Sabrina engine now. God just won=92t al=
low that to happen in that Competitions Dept on the other side.
** triumphs@autox.team.net **
Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs http://www.team.net/archiv=
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<div dir=3D"auto">Any chance we could get you to share some of those storie=
<div>-------- Original message --------</div>
<div>From: John Macartney <johnbmacartney@gmx.com> </div>
<div>Date: 2/4/22 3:13 PM (GMT-06:00) </div>
<div>To: triumphs@autox.team.net </div>
<div>Subject: [TR] Another Triumph loss </div>
<font size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:10pt;">
<div class=3D"PlainText">I=92m guessing that few, if any, on this list will=
recognise the name of David Gleed. Until he retired DAVE worked for Standa=
rd-Triumph and BL/MG Rover. He came to prominence when he worked in the Com=
petitions Dept in Coventry and along
with the late Ray Henderson and a few other unsung stalwarts, got to work =
on the rally cars under Ken Richardson and travelled several times as part =
of the Works Team at Le Mans and many of the European rallies. DAVE=92s sto=
ries of starting and working on the
Sabrina engined cars were legendary - and he had many. DAVE=92s automotive=
love was his long door TR2 that got taken out and blasted around Coventry =
and district whenever the mood took him - which was often. His thoughts on =
MVC 575 being cosseted like a piece
of Meissen porcelain were mostly very apt and hit the mark, though perhaps=
not printable.<br>
I got to renew my friendship with Dave when I was organising event days for=
ST at BMIHT and I always knew he=92d be the first to book space for his st=
and where he sold unobtanium. No one knew his sources and he=92d never divu=
lge them but if you found yourself really
stuck for a vital NLS component, Dave was the man to ask. He=92d find it, =
though there was always the chance he=92d already got it stashed away in hi=
s storeroom and usually several more than just one.
He died rather suddenly earlier this month at age 86 with his devoted wife =
and fellow stall worker Margaret at his side. The Triumph fraternity has lo=
st a truly remarkable, kind, generous, caring, knowledgeable and incredibly=
funny man who was imho one of the
true =91Motor industry=92 greats of the post war years. An unsung hero if =
ever there was one and although I=92m eight years his junior, there=92s no =
doubt in my mind that Triumph enthusiasts the world over have lost someone =
who was really special and truly one of
a kind. Bless you my lovely funny friend. You won=92t set your overalls sl=
eeves on fire doing a cold start on a Sabrina engine now. God just won=92t =
allow that to happen in that Competitions Dept on the other side.<br>
** triumphs@autox.team.net **<br>
Archive: <a href=3D"http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs";>http://www.team=
<a href=3D"http://www.team.net/archive";>http://www.team.net/archive</a><br>
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** triumphs@autox.team.net **
Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs http://www.team.net/archive