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Re: [TR] oil filter sealant

To: dave <>, Paul Dorsey <>
Subject: Re: [TR] oil filter sealant
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 10:55:09 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: "Triumph list" <>
Importance: Medium Z8bboOLSjotaevawcSgNabm//4putMvEjh6XZOAatTMfxJfzJb8EP7lKiVjmja6zpTrqDyuFTrgnv5l7Ylmd1zBKJkcNNBmcYPx7D+ifYbyeKt7zWQjdW/Bb 1X+W9Wah7ZsUHbC+zp+4Gg==
References: <> <> <002c01d454db$380500d0$a80f0270$> <>

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I have not done this particular conversion.  Looking at it, though, it seem=
s as if it's a simple adapter that bolts to your existing mounting plate in=
 place of the cartridge housing.  For more direct experience with it, it pr=
obably wouldn't hurt to call Dave or Albert at The Roadster Factory, LEVEL =
2 SALES: 800-234-1104.

Unless others on the List have done this particular conversion?

> On September 25, 2018 at 10:28 AM Paul Dorsey <> wrote:
>      Did people make the conversion to the spin on type oil filter while =
 The engine was in the car? You see my car has zero room for my shaking han=
ds and I don=E2=80=99t know  that much about it.
>     Thanks Paul=20
>     On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 10:22 AM dave < mailto:dave@= > wrote:
>         > >=20
> >         I wonder how many people still use those.  I always thought the=
y were pretty horrible to deal with.  The spin on conversion was one of the=
 first things I did with my cars.
> >=20
> >         =20
> >=20
> >         From: Triumphs < mailto:triumphs= > On Behalf Of TERRY SMITH
> >         Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 6:59 AM
> >         To: Paul Dorsey < >=
; Triumph list <
.net >
> >         Subject: Re: [TR] oil filter sealant
> >=20
> >         =20
> >=20
> >         Ah, this is one change I made immediately during my restoration=
.  Having started life with my first car, a 1964 Sprite, I never wanted to =
touch a cartridge type filter again, so I installed a canister conversion. =
 See  It's not original, =
but if the goal is daily driving and frequent oil changes, it's a whole lot=
> >=20
> >         =20
> >=20
> >         Terry
> >=20
> >             > > >=20
> > >             On September 24, 2018 at 1:27 PM Paul Dorsey <dorpaul1@gm= > wrote:
> > >=20
> > >             I  am  wanting to replace the old filter in my TR3 (engin=
e is mostly TR4 parts) that  has a Tecalemit  type oil filter canister and =
mount.  It seems that after I attach the brass nut, It will pull the appara=
tus (adapter, brass nut, oil filter and canister and seal) up tight using t=
he 6" bolt.  The brass nut sinks into the aluminum adapter head.
> > >=20
> > >                  When the engine was out of the car, the engine mecha=
nic applied a thin film of dark orange permatex(?) to the brass nut before =
submerging it into the aluminum adapter.  It did not seem to leak.  My ques=
tion is: now that the engine is in the car and I have very little clearance=
 both from above or below.  Is it ok to squeeze out a quarter of a tube of =
a similar sealant (probably from above the engine) in an effort to replicat=
e his success?  I quess I'd want to smear it all over the brass bolt before=
 submerging it into the aluminum filter head.
> > >=20
> > >             =20
> > >=20
> > >             Paul
> > >=20
> > >             **
> > >=20
> > >             Donate:
> > >             Archive: http://ww=
> > >=20
> > >             Unsubscribe/Manage:
> > >=20
> > >         > >=20
> >     >=20

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<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset=3D"UTF-8">
</head><body><p style=3D"font-size: 12pt; font-family: helvetica, arial, sa=
ns-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">I have not done this particular conversi=
on.&#160; Looking at it, though, it seems as if it&#39;s a simple adapter t=
hat bolts to your existing mounting plate in place of the cartridge housing=
.&#160; For more direct experience with it, it probably wouldn&#39;t hurt t=
o call Dave or Albert at The Roadster Factory, <span class=3D"ft31"><strong=
>LEVEL 2 SALES: 800-234-1104</strong></span>.<br></p><p style=3D"font-size:=
 12pt; font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">=
<br></p><p style=3D"font-size: 12pt; font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-se=
rif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Unless others on the List have done this part=
icular conversion?<br></p><p style=3D"font-size: 12pt; font-family: helveti=
ca, arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br></p><p style=3D"font-si=
ze: 12pt; font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51)=
;"><br></p><blockquote type=3D"cite">On September 25, 2018 at 10:28 AM Paul=
 Dorsey &#60;; wrote: <br> <br><div><div dir=3D"auto"=
>&#160;Did people make the conversion to the spin on type oil filter while =
&#160;The engine was in the car? You see my car has zero room for my shakin=
g hands and I don&#8217;t know &#160;that much about it.</div></div><div di=
r=3D"auto">Thanks Paul&#160;</div><div><br><div class=3D"ox-2da8972366-gmai=
l_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr">On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 10:22 AM dave &#60; <a hr=
ef=3D"";></a>&#62; wrote: <br></div><=
blockquote><div><div class=3D"ox-2da8972366-m_224037773980270885WordSection=
1"><p class=3D"ox-2da8972366-MsoNormal">I wonder how many people still use =
those.&#160; I always thought they were pretty horrible to deal with.&#160;=
 The spin on conversion was one of the first things I did with my cars.<u><=
/u><u></u></p><p class=3D"ox-2da8972366-MsoNormal"><u></u>&#160;<u></u></p>=
<div><div style=3D"border: none; border-top: solid #e1e1e1 1.0pt; padding: =
3.0pt 0in 0in 0in;"><p class=3D"ox-2da8972366-MsoNormal"><strong>From:</str=
ong> Triumphs &#60;<a href=3D""; targe=
t=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener"></a>&#62; <str=
ong>On Behalf Of </strong>TERRY SMITH<br><strong>Sent:</strong> Tuesday, Se=
ptember 25, 2018 6:59 AM<br><strong>To:</strong> Paul Dorsey &#60;<a href=
=3D""; target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener">dorpaul1@=</a>&#62;; Triumph list &#60;<a href=3D"mailto:triumphs@a=" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener"></=
a>&#62;<br><strong>Subject:</strong> Re: [TR] oil filter sealant<u></u><u><=
/u></p></div></div></div></div><div><div class=3D"ox-2da8972366-m_224037773=
980270885WordSection1"><p class=3D"ox-2da8972366-MsoNormal"><u></u>&#160;<u=
></u></p><p><span style=3D"font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Helvetica',sans=
-serif; color: #333333;">Ah, this is one change I made immediately during m=
y restoration.&#160; Having started life with my first car, a 1964 Sprite, =
I never wanted to touch a cartridge type filter again, so I installed a can=
ister conversion.&#160; See <a href=3D"
7.php#navbar" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener">
3Handbook/7.php#navbar</a>.&#160; It&#39;s not original, but if the goal is=
 daily driving and frequent oil changes, it&#39;s a whole lot cleaner.<u></=
u><u></u></span></p><p><span style=3D"font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Helv=
etica',sans-serif; color: #333333;"><u></u>&#160;<u></u></span></p><p><span=
 style=3D"font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Helvetica',sans-serif; color: #3=
33333;">Terry<u></u><u></u></span></p><blockquote><p class=3D"ox-2da8972366=
-MsoNormal" style=3D"margin-bottom: 12.0pt;">On September 24, 2018 at 1:27 =
PM Paul Dorsey &#60;<a href=3D""; target=3D"_blank"=
 rel=3D"noopener"></a>&#62; wrote: <u></u><u></u></p><div=
><div><p class=3D"ox-2da8972366-MsoNormal">I &#160;am &#160;wanting to repl=
ace the old filter in my TR3 (engine is mostly TR4 parts) that &#160;has a =
Tecalemit &#160;type oil filter canister and mount.&#160; It seems that aft=
er I attach the brass nut, It will pull the apparatus (adapter, brass nut, =
oil filter and canister and seal) up tight using the 6&#34; bolt.&#160; The=
 brass nut sinks into the aluminum adapter head. <u></u><u></u></p></div><d=
iv><p class=3D"ox-2da8972366-MsoNormal">&#160; &#160; &#160;When the engine=
 was out of the car, the engine mechanic applied a thin film of dark orange=
 permatex(?) to the brass nut before submerging it into the aluminum adapte=
r.&#160; It did not seem to leak.&#160; My question is: now that the engine=
 is in the car and I have very little clearance both from above or below.&#=
160; Is it ok to squeeze out a quarter of a tube of a similar sealant (prob=
ably from above the engine) in an effort to replicate his success?&#160; I =
quess I&#39;d want to smear it all over the brass bolt before submerging it=
 into the aluminum filter head.<u></u><u></u></p></div><div><p class=3D"ox-=
2da8972366-MsoNormal"><u></u>&#160;<u></u></p></div><div><p class=3D"ox-2da=
8972366-MsoNormal">Paul<u></u><u></u></p></div></div><p class=3D"ox-2da8972=
366-MsoNormal">** <a href=3D""; target=3D"_bla=
nk" rel=3D"noopener"></a> ** <br><br>Donate: <a href=
=3D""; target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener">htt=
p://</a> <br>Archive: <a href=3D"
t/pipermail/triumphs" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener">
t/pipermail/triumphs</a> <a href=3D""; target=3D"=
_blank" rel=3D"noopener"></a> <br><br>Unsubscrib=
e/Manage: <a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener">
man/options/triumphs/</a> <u></u><u></u></p></blockquote=

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