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[Fot] Fuel Cells

Subject: [Fot] Fuel Cells
From: info at (DPPI - Mark Craig)
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 19:39:46 +0000
References: <> <>
Hey you even got me at 1978 with your 1971 cell!!!


Mark Craig
Diesel Performance Parts, Inc.
411 Allied Drive, Nashville, TN 37211<>


Phone: 615-834-0066
Fax: 615-834-9923

From: Brad Eells [mailto:tr4abrad at]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 1:23 PM
To: Bill Dentinger <billdentin at>
Cc: DPPI - Mark Craig <info at>; timmmurphh at; fot at
Subject: Re: [Fot] Fuel Cells


I just pulled my circa 1971 fuel cell out of the Spitfire. It looked amazingly 
good, even after sitting for 42 years.

Thankfully dimensions haven?t changed in all that time, an ATL SA108 will fit 
perfectly in the custom box built 47 years ago.

Mark, expect my call!
Brad Eells
Sent from my iPhone


I started vintage racing in 1980.  At the time the Vintage Sports Car Drivers 
Association (VSCDA) was a stickler on being 'era correct'.  They wanted race 
cars in their grids to be 'just like the manufacturer built them.  I think the 
first time I raced with Sportscar Vintage Racing Association (SVRA), they 
required a fuel cell.  In an effort to keep the car looking era correct, I had 
a custom fuel cell built into the stock fuel tank behind the TR3's 'rear seat'. 
 Doing so was not particularly expensive, and it avoided chopping up the floor 
of the boot.  Of course, packaging and shipping was an issue.  If I remember 
correctly, I did have to send it back twice (down through the years) when Tech 
Inspectors asked to have it re-certified.  Again, the packaging and shipping 
issues, were greater than the recertification costs.

And, of course, as time went by, the VSCDA had to change its position on race 
car preparation.  There were clear safety issues to consider, plus most other 
sanctioning bodies were far more liberal in what was allowed and what was not.  
VSCDA had to do likewise, if it expected to attract entrants.

Bill Dentinger

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Feb 27, 2018 9:19 am
Subject: Re: [Fot] Fuel Cells

If they still make the same cell and such you usually can buy just the bladder 
with fill plate. In my case they have changed sizing as mine was form 1978 so I 
got to start over.


Mark Craig
Diesel Performance Parts, Inc.
411 Allied Drive, Nashville, TN 37211<>


Phone: 615-834-0066
Fax: 615-834-9923

Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: [Fot] Fuel Cells

Good info!  Our cell is 10 years old and it?s on my list to check.  Curious, is 
it just as easy and cost effective to just replace the entire unit, can and 
all, or is it an easy enough job just to open up the can and only replace the 
cell.  I?m not too concerned about the cost, 10 years on the unit isn?t bad, 
about $40 bucks a year I think.  Considering all the other racing costs, that?s 
pretty good.  Darn motel rooms are just about $150 a night now, no matter where 
you go!

Tim Murphy
1961 TR4 #317 BRG

From: Fot [mailto:fot-bounces at] On Behalf Of DPPI - Mark Craig 
via Fot
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 1:27 PM
Subject: [Fot] Fuel Cells

To all for a safe 2018 Race Season:

Just a thought that ALL of you need to consider.

I bought a 1972 Spitfire race car about 7 years ago out of the CT area. Decent 
runner and such and have been having a good time with it. At the last event of 
2017 it sort of felt ?flat? checked all the normal stuff and just assumed she 
had a tired engine.

As I always do at year end I siphoned all the race gas out of her that I can to 
let her rest on empty over the winter. When I did that I got a lot (and I mean 
a LOT) of red fibers in my 6 gallon jug.  Didn?t worry much about it as it was 
months to race season. Well time is near so I got out in the garage Saturday 
and started to check the ATL fuel cell out. As usual you can?t see in the damn 
things especially if you are over 50 and lighting a match is a bad idea for 
extra light LOL!!  So I pulled the multi bolt ring off the top of the cell. 
Guess what it?s full of, NOTHING at all. Well it did have one lump of foam left 
about the size of a softball, in the rest of the bladder was sludge of red 
fibers in some left over race fuel. No wonder the car was running flat, every 
line and filter is chocked up with cell material.

So what to do, pull the entire thing out and see what can be done. When I got 
it all out and drained and cleaned up a bit I found the manufacturer ID label 
on the bladder, guess when it was built 19 frigg?in 78!!!  The race gods have 
plainly been protecting the stupid as I haven?t had an accident where I needed 
the cell, thank goodness. Basically I had a steel can with a 40 year old 
plastic bladder in it and that is all. I guess the upside is now I know the car 
has history back to 1978 anyway HA HA!

So my point in boring you all (and or letting you have ammunition to annoy me 
at the track) is check your dang fuel cell. I stated to think about it, the 
newest cell I got is approximately 9 years old and I never mess with them. Out 
of sight out of mind so they say. I have preached to others on safety and 
safety equipment and here I am being this dumb.

So I just got off the phone with ATL and they are setting my diesel performance 
business up as a dealer for cells as we have had some customers have asked for 
fuel cells in the past in diesel race trucks. I am getting one for myself ASAP, 
if any of you are as dumb as I am and see that you have neglected your fuel 
cell to the point mine is, call me we?ll help you out on a new one.

MOSTLY PROTECT YOURSELF AND THE CAR  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mark Craig
Diesel Performance Parts, Inc.
411 Allied Drive, Nashville, TN 37211<>


Phone: 615-834-0066
Fax: 615-834-9923





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