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[Fot] Fuel Cells

Subject: [Fot] Fuel Cells
From: levilevi at (Bud R)
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 15:15:22 -0700
References: <>

Thanks for sharing your experience with old fuel cells.  I sent this email (see 
below) to the list about 1 1/2 years ago verifying my stupidity regarding fuel 

Bud Rolofson

Extreme Parts Racing (more than just a haircut)

71TR6 CC57365 (Good 6)
71 Spitfire MK IV Race Car #3
69 Spitfire MK III (back up FE engine/dinghy car)
93 Minnie Winnie Race Support Vehicle 
77 Z-50A Hardly Davidson Honda Mini-Trail Bike (Triumph Pit Bike)

On Feb 26, 2018, at 12:26 PM, DPPI - Mark Craig via Fot <fot at> 

> To all for a safe 2018 Race Season:
> Just a thought that ALL of you need to consider.
> I bought a 1972 Spitfire race car about 7 years ago out of the CT area. 
> Decent runner and such and have been having a good time with it. At the last 
> event of 2017 it sort of felt ?flat? checked all the normal stuff and just 
> assumed she had a tired engine.
> As I always do at year end I siphoned all the race gas out of her that I can 
> to let her rest on empty over the winter. When I did that I got a lot (and I 
> mean a LOT) of red fibers in my 6 gallon jug.  Didn?t worry much about it as 
> it was months to race season. Well time is near so I got out in the garage 
> Saturday and started to check the ATL fuel cell out. As usual you can?t see 
> in the damn things especially if you are over 50 and lighting a match is a 
> bad idea for extra light LOL!!  So I pulled the multi bolt ring off the top 
> of the cell. Guess what it?s full of, NOTHING at all. Well it did have one 
> lump of foam left about the size of a softball, in the rest of the bladder 
> was sludge of red fibers in some left over race fuel. No wonder the car was 
> running flat, every line and filter is chocked up with cell material.
> So what to do, pull the entire thing out and see what can be done. When I got 
> it all out and drained and cleaned up a bit I found the manufacturer ID label 
> on the bladder, guess when it was built 19 frigg?in 78!!!  The race gods have 
> plainly been protecting the stupid as I haven?t had an accident where I 
> needed the cell, thank goodness. Basically I had a steel can with a 40 year 
> old plastic bladder in it and that is all. I guess the upside is now I know 
> the car has history back to 1978 anyway HA HA!
> So my point in boring you all (and or letting you have ammunition to annoy me 
> at the track) is check your dang fuel cell. I stated to think about it, the 
> newest cell I got is approximately 9 years old and I never mess with them. 
> Out of sight out of mind so they say. I have preached to others on safety and 
> safety equipment and here I am being this dumb.  
> So I just got off the phone with ATL and they are setting my diesel 
> performance business up as a dealer for cells as we have had some customers 
> have asked for fuel cells in the past in diesel race trucks. I am getting one 
> for myself ASAP, if any of you are as dumb as I am and see that you have 
> neglected your fuel cell to the point mine is, call me we?ll help you out on 
> a new one.
> MOSTLY PROTECT YOURSELF AND THE CAR  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> <image002.png>
> Diesel Performance Parts, Inc.
> 411 Allied Drive, Nashville, TN 37211
> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg>
> Phone: 615-834-0066
> Fax: 615-834-9923
> Email:mark at
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December 12, 2016

I recently discovered my ATL fuel cell was leaking. Upon removal here?s what it 
looked like. All four sides were toast and the sides of the bladder literally 
fell apart when I pulled the bladder out of the metal box. There was no 
external damage to the box so this was all just fuel/bladder 
interaction/reaction and old age. See pics.

I was a bit shaken to think I?d been naive enough to trust it and stupid enough 
not to check it more thoroughly. Driving a molotov cocktail in the boot is not 
a good idea. I read a receipt wrong that came with the car and thought the 
bladder had been replaced but it was the baffling that had been replaced. 

So if you may have a really old bladder (no old man jokes please) or don?t 
really know how old it is please learn from my mistake and check and replace if 


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