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Re: [TR] Triumphs Digest, Vol 7, Issue 198

To: John Macartney <>, Triumph List <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Triumphs Digest, Vol 7, Issue 198
From: marty <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 02:11:38 +0000 FILETIME=[0E270D70:01CFA554]
We bought a Miater last spring.  Ibll be honest, at first I was like eh, this 
is not my favorite car.  After driving it for a while, its my DD in the summer, 
and getting a feel for what it actually had in store for me I fell in love with 
it. It doesn't have the power of my TR6 or TR8 but the darn thing handles like 
it on rails. Air is cold and cruise works great. I can put the top up  or down 
manually  while sitting in the drivers seat in about 30 seconds and it does not 
leak. I have a 35 minute drive through the country each way to work and I have 
a blast in the cures. I don't think tires are going to last me long in this 


Sent from Windows Mail

From: John Macartney
Sent: bMondayb, bJulyb b21b, b2014 b7b:b21b bPM
To: Triumph List

Are Miata seats supposed to be comfortable? I spent last Saturday as a
Navigator on a club run for MX5's (the Miata for Europe) and was glad to get
home. What an utterly boring car. No rattles, no clunks, no unexpected
twitches from the back end and all too quiet for me in every respect - and
those seats were h**l !!!!!
I've no wish to ever ride in an MX5 again and they're ten for a penny here -
as everywhere else for that matter. Most them seem to be driven by women "of
a certain age" who are in bottom lip biting mode at 60mph and terrified
their blonde highlights and false fingernails will vanish in the slipstream.
Gimme a sidescreen TR with the Michelin X tyre technology of fifty years
back and an overdrive and I'll be as close to heaven as one can get this
side of mortality. Same goes for a Mk 1 GT6, Healey 100/6 or late model 3000
for a narrow English road, a slick surface and a few unexpected surprises
thrown in for good measure.


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