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Re: [TR] TR250 Air valves

To: Roger Elliott <>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR250 Air valves
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 18:16:03 -0700
Cc: Triumphs <>
References: <>
I would expect different needles to produce different running
characteristics - especially prior to any adjustment.  So far as I know the
reading on the synchronizers is meaningless except as a comparison of one
carb to the other.

Were it I, I'd balance the carbs then set the mixture by whatever means
this set-up allows before making any judgment on how it runs.


On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Roger Elliott <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I got air valves (pistons) for  my wife's TR250 strombergs that have
> adjustable needles as it runs rich at the moment.  I put the new needles in
> the valves and replaced the old air valves with the new ones.
> The Tr250 sounded great with the old valves in place and horrible with the
> new ones.  I was expecting to have to do some adjusting, but this was more
> than I expected.
> With the new air valves, the font carb pulled about 10 on my synchronizer
> and the back pulled about 15.  I put the old valves back in and the front
> one pulled about 6.5 and the pack pulled 7./
> The only thing I changed was the air valve/needle combination.
> Why would changing the the air valves cause so much difference?
> Thanks,
> Roger

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