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[TR] Wire wheel - suggestions for tire service in Daytona area

Subject: [TR] Wire wheel - suggestions for tire service in Daytona area
From: aribert neumann <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 07:43:15 -0400
If the wire wheel question has not been answered yet  (I read my digests in
batches and am frequently a few days behind), I would suggest that a source
for wire wheel information (tire stores that can mount them, etc.) might be
at GrassRoots Motorspeorts Magazine (and their sister publication - Classic
Motorsports).  They just happen to be in Ormund Beach/ Holly Hill area.
I've been a subscriber for a decade or more and they have made mention of
people dropping by their offices and I do vaguely remember some articles in
the past dealing with vehicles with wire wheels and where they had the tire
service done.  Since I have not had an LBC with wire wheels in the past 20
yrs, I did not pay any attention to that portion of the articles.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Wise <>
To: car discussion Sports Triumph <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 13:38:04 -0400
Subject: [TR] TR3A Tires
What is the current list wisdom for the best choice of tires for a'60 TR3A
that has wire wheels?

I live in Ormond Beach Florida and usually drive the car to go shopping, to
meetings, car shows, and occasionally to the university where I teach which
involves 6 miles on I-95, as my students often ask very nicely about seeing
the car.  :-)

And by any WILD chance, does anyone know of a good shop in the Daytona Beach
area that can handle wire wheels?



John A. Wise, Ph.D., CPE
The Wise Group, LLC
Ormond Beach, FL

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