The answer to "do they come pre-oiled" is right on the K&N web site "FAQ"
page, question number 10:
10. Do K&N air filters come pre-oiled or must they be oiled before using?
Almost all K&N air filters come pre-oiled and ready to use. The filter oil we
use is red. A new oiled filter will appear red-pink in color. Some crankcase
vent air filters come unoiled, however, they come with a small packet of K&N
filter oil so they can be oiled before use. There are also a limited number
of filters with specialty uses which are not pre-oiled. These items will be
clearly marked as unoiled. Using an unoiled K&N filter will greatly reduce
the filter's efficiency and void our product warranty on filters that come
pre-oiled from the factory. If you receive a filter that is packaged in its
cellophane wrapper and is unoiled, contact K&N's Customer Support department
at (800) 858-3333.
(see )
So the real answer is "Maybe"...