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[TR] more harness

Subject: [TR] more harness
From: nafzigerg at (Gary Nafziger)
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 19:36:44 -0700 (PDT)
I'm slowly working my way through installing wiring harness (tr-3) and have
received great help already from the list.  I have one concern left, and
that's when I finish and want to connect the battery and test the system.  I'm
afraid one little mistake I might have made could burn up the new harness or
even a small part of it.
Is there a safe way to test portions of it first or
does one just turn on the power and wait for possible smoke?  I've basically
been very careful about transferring the new wires to the old guages/switches
on the dash section and also using the old harness as a model to connect the
new wires to control box/fuse box and other parts; along with diligent
reviewing of a wiring diagram every step of the way.
I'm fairly confident
things will work out ok at the time of switching on but just wondered if
others who've "been there" have any advice on using the electrical system for
the first time.


gary n.

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