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[TR] TR4A - Fan temperature threshold question

Subject: [TR] TR4A - Fan temperature threshold question
From: TR3driver at (Randall)
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 16:46:56 -0800
References: <>
> I found an in-line switch from Derale that turns on at 180, 
> and off at 165,
> but don't know if those thresholds would be appropriate.

That should work fine, IMO, as long as you mount the sensor either at the
bottom of the radiator or in the return line to the engine.  As Chris wrote,
IMO that is the best place for a fan sensor anyway, since you only want it
to come on when there is not enough airflow through the radiator to cool the
engine.  If the water is coming through the thermostat at 200F (for
example), but dropping below 180F by the time it comes back from the
radiator, then you don't need the fan running.

DeRale also makes a fully adjustable model, which I would be using if I
could figure out where I put it!

-- Randall  

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