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[TR] TR4A - Fan temperature threshold question

Subject: [TR] TR4A - Fan temperature threshold question
From: ahwahneetr at (Geo Hahn)
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 14:12:46 -0700
References: <>
This may depend in part on where you will install the sensor, i.e. at the
top radiator hose or at the bottom.  Those numbers look reasonable to me
for a sensor on the bottom hose (which I think would be a good location).

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 1:36 PM, G.D. Huggins <guy at> wrote:

> ...I found an in-line switch from Derale that turns on at 180, and off at
> 165,
> but don't know if those thresholds would be appropriate.

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