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[TR] engine tuning

Subject: [TR] engine tuning
From: wbeech at (wbeech at
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 22:54:21 -0500
References: <>
Sounds like it almost has to be in the fuel system.  I would suggest
checking everything from the tank forward again.  Did you run the fuel pump
with the line disconnected at the carbs?  You said you cleaned the carbs but
it is very easy when you have such a sludge problem that some trash has
gotten back in.  If the fuel lines are running clean, I would go back and
disassemble/reassemble the carbs.

Bill Beecher
'58 TR-3A TS30766L  "Tarbaby"
"A Triumph is man's best friend, it always comes when it is called...of
course, some times it is difficult to make it go"


-----Original Message-----
From: triumphs-bounces at
[mailto:triumphs-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gary O'Hagan
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 9:36 PM
To: triumphs at
Subject: [TR] engine tuning

It's been a while since I have posted anything.  Mostly trying to make a
final push to get the car on the road.  True to form, the more I do the
further behind I get. Hoped to be driving by the summer (three years ago
actually).  A recap of events:
  Fixed most of the engine issues , so I thought, and planned to drive the
car to the muffler shop to get a piece of pipe welded between the headers
and the exhaust.  Car running a little rough, but would work on that after i
finished the exhaust.  Took a dry run to the petrol station to fill the tank
and test the waters. Pretty excited that the car was doing well.  On the way
back started losing power and barely made it back. Troubleshooting revealed
fuel filters packed with rust.  Apparently sitting around for years wasn't
kind to the tank.  OK, removed the tank.  Had a radiator shop clean it out.
Couldn't find any one to seal the tank so I did it myself (only to have
someone tell me that sealers don't work and should have bought a new tank-
too late). Put the tank back in , blew out the gas line, had the carbs
cleaned, put in new gas and got it running again.  Tried another short test
run but car ran poorly, made awful noises, started leaking oil, choke cable
(new replacement part) bound up.  Had to walk away at that point, couldn't
take another set back.
  So now I'm back at it but still pretty discouraged.  New choke cable has
been replaced and trying to tune the engine but it won't run unless  the
choke is all the way out even after it's warmed. Here's my question: any
suggestions as to where to start, what to do next? Futile question?  Buy a
trailer and haul it around?
Gary O
reassembling the TR one mistake at a time
62 TR4
electric fuel pump
ZS carbs

triumphs at

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