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[TR] TR250 problem

Subject: [TR] TR250 problem
From: ahwahneetr at (Geo Hahn)
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 06:56:04 -0700
References: <>
On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 1:58 PM, <fogbro1 at> wrote:

> "Possible ideas on another 250 issue I?m having as of yesterday. Ran some
> errands yesterday. After my first stop (20 minutes running, 20 minutes
> stopped) it took me three or four tries to get the car restarted...

Along with the above suggestions -- could be a dying coil.  Thing I would do
is to have stuff along (ignition tester, starting fluid) to quickly
determine whether it is lacking fuel or spark when the problem recurs.


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