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Re: [TR] Costs

Subject: Re: [TR] Costs
From: Bob <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 17:30:22 -0400
On Tuesday, May 24, 2011 01:25:16 pm wrote:
> While I have been delayed on the project, I decided to empty the drawer and
> put all of my receipts and other notes into a spreadsheet.  I was
> surprised at the outcome. So to gloat:
> I paid just over $4,200 for the project including the cost of transport.
> Have put about $6,500 into body work, powder coating, painting, materials
> Another $5,500 in new parts
> I have sold just under $2,000 in surplus parts
> I am certain that I didn't track every "I need a 5/8 UNF bolt' run to the
> hardware store but plugged in $500 (i did have receipts for $390) for all
> of those. For a total investment/cost to date of $14,400.
> I had the 1999 TRF price list in a database format; I listed each part that
> I inventoried when I bought the project at 80% of that value plus the
> actual cost of the new expenditures and came up with a total of $39,492. 
> This includes the completely rebuilt engine and new in box A-type
> overdrive that were part of the original project purchase.    I feel
> pretty good about the outcome.  (of course I didn't include the $11,000
> garage extension LOL)
> I expect to spend about another $1500-2000 before it is done but I also
> have boxes of used (and some new) parts that I didn't inventory. At
> somepoint those will be available for sale.  (for instance I have a set of
> new 86mm pistons still in their wrappings).
> So - sometime this summer - I will be back on the road  after a 10 year
> hiatus.
I did the same thing with my 72 6 project that is almost ready for the road.
Parts alone are over 10K.

I haven't made a final tally yet but something tells me don't bother. The $ is 
already spent and since I will never be selling the car it is better that I 
don't know.

Most likely would have been better off just buying a complete recent 
restoration but I do enjoy restoring these cars.



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