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Re: [TR] Headlights/driving lights/relays/fuses/connectors

To: "Geo Hahn" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Headlights/driving lights/relays/fuses/connectors
From: <>
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 14:04:44 -0400

Good suggestion.  You may be right.  Let me explain my thinking.  I don't 
think that the 44 strand wire would melt before the 50A fusible link. 
Certainly, the 50A is greater than the 44 strand is rated for.  44 strand 
wire is rated for 25 to 33 amps CONTINUOUS.  So, 50A is no more than double 
the continuous rating.  I think the fusible link would let go before the 
wire melts.  I suppose that a 35A to 40A fusible link would work better, but 
remember, the fusible link is to be used instead of NO FUSE AT ALL.  The 
intent of the link is to allow some serious problems to occur, but to 
prevent meltdown.  I don't want a "normal" fuse to blow when the problem was 
an intermittent short, not for mission critical stuff like headlights.  For 
this purpose, I think the fusible link needs to be rated above the maximum 
continuous capacity of the wire.  Maybe not twice the capacity.  Maybe just 
1.2x or 1.5x.


>Original Message
>From: Geo Hahn
>Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 12:01 PM
>Subject: Re: [TR] Headlights/driving lights/relays/fuses/connectors
>I put the relays front & center... but that will be too obvious for your 
>stealth installation.  I did use the 4-hole bullet connectors which seem 
>fine but I keep them clean, dry & greased dielectric.
>A 50 amp fusible link will be well-protected -- your wiring harness should 
>melt long before the link has a chance to blow.  i.e. I think a fusible 
>link needs to be rated to the lowest circuit it >protects, not the highest.

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