Noting the thread on the new VITON SEAL DESIGN
Here's a design worthy of support. Christian is part of our racing fraternity
and spent the time necessary to develop this new VITON SEAL. In addition to
time, it required investment in tooling.
With marketing in both Europe and North America the volume is coming up.
I offered to support the project here in North America....thus Christian and I
studied the dimensions of the oem seal and the conversion and came up with new
centering tool design. The tool works with both the OEM and the VITON design
and is priced low.
I have more stock of the VITON SEAL coming from Chris around the first of
February for distribution.
I just produced another 100 centering tools and they are available NOW.
I just produced another 10 modified OEM scrolls on my holding fixture and have
more cores forthcoming.
I have installation instructions on my computer and routinely send with the
sale of a kit.
If you are a member of VTR, you will have received ISSUE 123 which is very
comprehensive in detailing the installation of the seal.
The new design is also nicely covered in Kas' new book.....KAS KASTNER'S
TRIUMPHS. It shows the new centering tool and features pointers on avoiding
other potential leaker areas....this book is a must have.
If you want to get on the list for the next 10 VITON seal kits, send me a note
n197tr4 at
They are also being stocked by TRF and they will be receiving their stock of
VITON SEALS, as well.