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Re: [TR] Balance Weights, Fan & Hub -- TR4

To: "'Geo Hahn'" <>, "'Triumphs'" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Balance Weights, Fan & Hub -- TR4
From: <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 11:34:51 -0600
If the weights are on there from the factory and the fan itself is
well-balanced, I would put them back on.  However, if I was already that far
into the car I would probably pull the hub and check it out.  

It does seem odd that a hub would be very far out of balance and even if it
were that taking a little meat off the heavy side might be the better way to
bring it back to true.

BTW, I have the Triumph 6-blade tropical fan on my TR3 and it really put out
the breeze as compare to the stock 4-blade unit, you will like it.


Bill Beecher
'58 TR-3A TS30766L  "Tarbaby"
"A Triumph is man's best friend, it always comes when it is called...of
course, some times it is difficult to make it go"

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Geo Hahn
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 11:08 AM
To: Triumphs
Subject: [TR] Balance Weights, Fan & Hub -- TR4

I'm replacing my fan and there were 2 weights previously in place to balance
the fan and hub/extension assembly.

I realize that the factory way to do this is to remove the hub/extension and
balance it as a unit with the fan -- I truly hope this is not necessary for
a non-race engine.

The weights were both mounted to one side of the unit -- i.e. 2 weights
under one set of bolts, none under the other.  I can tell this is original
by the reference hole that had been drilled thru the weights, fan and into
the hub/extension.  That is quite a bit of weight to ignore, so....

My question -- do you suppose that the weights were mainly there to correct
an inbalance in the hub/extension, or in the fan?

I can pretty well balance the fan by itself off the engine by rigging up a
little hub that allows it to free-wheel -- though the fan seems really well
balanced from the get-go.

If the weights were there mainly to balance the hub/extension I can
re-install them as before.

I guess you can tell I'm trying to simplify the task and not remove the
crank bolt and hub/extension when all I want to do is replace the fan -- but
if I have to I have to.

BTW -- I briefly considered a plastic fan but as the car is mostly original
and correct I decided against that.  I will be installing a metal tropical
fan (if that makes any difference) for better air flow and because the
relatively shorter aluminum blade seems less likely to break.

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