My church had a men's retreat to Ojai, CA last weekend. We had a lot of
new guys and during intros (to get guys talking) they asked each guy to state
his favorite car that he's owned. We had 40 guys and out of the 40 we had four
guys say their LBC's were there favorites. We had a TR2, a TR3 (mine), a TR4
and a MGA. All guys praised the same qualities of the cars - sporty driving,
simple mechanicals, etc.. Glad to see the LBC's were represented.
Interestingly enough, lots of the guys struggling financially raising
families said their favorite cars (which most still were driving) were Japanese
cars that they bought used and hadn't need repairs. Some shallow guys tried to
impress others with tales of muscle cars as their favorites. A few oldies liked
their '51 Mercury's and post war cars from a more halcyon time of young
marriages and new prosperity.
I saw a blue TR6 driving into Ojai and a baby blue TR3A on the 126 highway
driving towards Ventura. Were they anyone from the list?
Bill in Tehachapi
Suggested annual donation $11.47