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Re: [TR] Impossible to reply or contact

Subject: Re: [TR] Impossible to reply or contact
From: Bob <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 22:01:42 -0400

There seems to be a bit of static on the list lately. Please, the more members 
the better informed we all are.

Remember Mark administers this list out of  the goodness of his heart. The 
rules for the postings are in the software and not made by Mark.

I suggest if anyone would like to take over the admin of this list to enhance 
the message size, or other features, I am sure Mark would be happy to hand 
over that task.

Also if the message size is a problem for any post, the Triumph forum is 
available which also allows the posting of photos and unlimited message sizes. 
It operates very similar to the 6-pack forum.

I am a member of the 6-pack forum, the 6-pack email list and the Triumph forum 
and to be honest, for quick questions, problems, I like the email list better.

The forums seem to be a form of chatting with photos. Yes technical questions 
are asked and answered but a lot of the posts are "social" in nature.

To TR6Quebec, If Mark's post offended you, I am sure he was just poking fun 
and maybe trying to remind you that when you signed up for the list you were 
sent the rules of list etiquette. I look forward to you returning to the list 
for your contributions and questions.


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