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Re: [TR] Reality check

Subject: Re: [TR] Reality check
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 12:29:01 -0400
On 21 Aug 2009 at 8:13, spook01 wrote:

> they were told they would have funds in 10 days, but...

It so happens that yesterday Tom Ashbrook's guest on On-Point was the 
Secretary of Transportation, Ray LeHood, former Republican 
Congressman from Illinois.  I caught the first half of the show in a 
rebroadcast.  One thing they talked about was the clunkers program.  
It is administered by his Transportation Department.  I got the 
impression that it might have been his idea originally, but even if 
it wasn't he was sure an ardent supporter.  Now, politicians and 
adminstrators always have ready answers, some of which are even 
credible.  When questioned about the delay he said it was due to 
three things: delay in getting funds, the overwhelming response, and 
the fact so that many many dealerships simply didn't do the paperwork 
properly.  He said the first two problems were now resolved; Congress 
had provided the money (presumably appropriated), and their workforce 
and technology (presumably computers for bookkeeping) are now fully 
in place to process everything expditiously.

I wish he had been more fact-focused and less cheerleader-ish.  The 
biggest take-home message was enthusiasm, which is fine but more of a 
fluffy dessert than a meal.  Perhaps he felt the need to engage in 
active public relations management.

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Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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