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Re: [TR] A blast from the past

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TR] A blast from the past
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 12:49:08 +0100
Frank wrote:
but I still
> found a great place in southern California, and my new country has been
> wonderfully kind, gracious and allowed me some limited prosperity.
> you are a strange bunch at times, but so much like us English, that i cant
> help but love you all

And for those listers who don't understand "us Brits" because we drive on the 
wrong side of the 
road, drink warm beer, talk with an oddball accent and (used to make) funny 
little cars, what Frank 
said of you is indeed a compliment. And it's one of the reasons why I'm so 
looking forward to 
traversing your continent later this summer in the Triumph Trans-AmeiCan Stag - 
US Embassy in London 
and my visa permitting :)


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