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Re: [TR] A blast from the past

Subject: Re: [TR] A blast from the past
From: Michael Ferguson <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 18:15:15 -0400
It's funny, but I never could get into those monsters of the 50's and  
60's. My first car, in 1967, was a '61 TR3A which, of course, would  
fit in the trunk of a domestic! Even now, I like them only for the  
nostalgia value... damn, they were big!!

Still, in 1960 when I was 13, I swore that when I was old enough to  
get a car, it was going to be a 1960 Impala, a red one. Never  
happened, but hey... I had my '3! :)

On May 19, 2009, at 5:41 PM, wrote:

> Absolutely David......American 50's and '60's vehicles were all  
> about style
> and power.  September television shows were highly anticipated -  
> not  for
> the show but for the introduction of "next year's models"!  Pretty   
> girls
> always highlighted the new low look or the windswept tail  
>  worry
> about fuel mileage standards, quality control was just a glance,  
> tailpipe
> emissons were off the map by today's specs, and safety - nah - with  
> all that
> steel, who needs safety features!!  Funny, a TR3 still looks as small
> against an Escalade today as it did against my father's Buick Estate
> Wagon....ahhh, those were the years:)
> Chip Krout
> Delaware Valley Triumphs, Ltd.
> Skippack, PA
> 1976 TR6  CF57822U

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