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[TR] More about 'compartmental transfer'!

To: "list Triumph" <>
Subject: [TR] More about 'compartmental transfer'!
From: "dorpaul" <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 19:26:22 -0400
As you know, I am moving incrementally slow here while filling my brake

I first filled just the brake's bf, and after a day and a half later it seemed
to try and equalize levels with the clutch bf letting me know that I may have
'compartmental transfer' (Although the reservoir itself does not leak).

A day ago, I concluded the above and wrote about the observation.  At this
time,  I also filled both chambers completely to the brim.

Today, both chambers levels have gone down; the clutch's has gone the most
down (over half way).  I am not in a hurry.  The car is on scaffolding so that
I haven't gotten under it to check for possible leakage.  This rate of
depletion of bf is proably perfectly normal.  Both c&b pedals are completely
up and have  never been touched during this procedure. All hydraulic lines
have been run.
    What this is telling me is that both b&c systems are graddually filling up
of their own accord.  Maybe just their MC's.  I know that they won't bleed
themselves!  But, this may account for the previously seen 'compartmental
transfer'.  I guess this may go on for another day or so.  Am I right in
thinking this is normal?  Does it indicate a leak or an open brake or clutch
bleeder nipple?  Certainly, it won't bleed itself will it? (Proably just make
the job a little easier.)

Thanks, Paul

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