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Re: [TR] emission standards?

To: "'list Triumph'" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] emission standards?
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:23:23 -0500
On 28 Jan 2009 at 11:16, Randall wrote:

> (Soapbox alert) ...Or better yet, take the European approach,
> and tax gasoline up to about $8/gallon.

This is something I've argued for a long time.  It would differ only 
by the amount, since the amount varies as the scale of finances 
varies from epoch to epoch.  However they never ask me.  Nor do they 
pay attention when I speak without being asked.

The political problem, of course, is that when it comes to raising 
the price of anything, no matter how you do it and via taxes or via 
any other way, it must always hit some people harder than it hits 
others.  Anyone in the hardest-hit demographic has a legitimate 
gripe, regardless of how it improves the common good.  It ain't an 
easy problem.

Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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