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Re: [TR] jumper cables? extra oil?

To: "'list Triumph'" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] jumper cables? extra oil?
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 21:51:28 -0800
> Would trying to start my TR3 (which currently has no battery 
> of it's own) by using jumper cables from a family member's 
> car battery provide sufficient resistance to not crank it 
> fast enough?

Depends on the quality and size of the cables, IMO.  Good stout cables
should have no problem, but the lightweight "booster" cables sold in many
stores might not do it.  And don't even think about the gizmo that works
through the cigarette lighter !

>  Also, I guess an extra quart of oil is too much 
> and would not be good if it cranks right?

Not likely to hurt anything, IMO ... but why put an extra quart in to begin
with ?  It already holds half a case !


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