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Re: [TR] Cleaning SU carb bodies

To: Triumphs <>, Dave Connitt <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Cleaning SU carb bodies
From: <>
Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 15:17:39 -0600 (CST)
Send the carbs to Jeff at Paltech.  They will look brand new.

72 TR6

From: Dave Connitt <>
Date: 2008/02/03 Sun PM 02:05:15 CST
To: Triumphs <>
Subject: [TR] Cleaning SU carb bodies

I am getting ready to rebuild a set of SU carbs that I have and have a
refinishing question.
I would very much like to get the aluminum carb bodies back to a point that
they look like new castings. By that, I mean that they will have that
"flecked" look of new castings. I am not interested in a polished look, just
very clean.
I have a blasting cabinet and am considering walnut shells or soda blasting
as a possibility. I would also be interested in any chemical cleaning agent
that would do the same thing. I remember back when I was a teenager in the
late 60's there was a nasty carb cleaner that would have done the job but I
bet it has long since been banned. Can't think of the name of it anyway...
I have a old set of Stromberg-Zenith carbs that I can experiment on if
anybody has any suggestions for a non-polished, new casting look.
Somewhere in that process is the fact that I will need to determine if I
have to get new shaft bushings installed. I figure if I can get them cleaned
once before I have to get the shafts bushings reamed, I can to it again..
That is if they need it in the first place.
Dave Connitt
'67 TR4A
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