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Re: [TR] (no subject)

To: Oldpine47@Comcast.Net,
Subject: Re: [TR] (no subject)
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 11:23:19 EST
In a message dated 2/2/2008 8:38:18 A.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
Oldpine47@Comcast.Net writes:

I have  seen the ones listed at various sites, but am not
really interested in  spending $800+ for something I will use once.  Does
anyone in the  eastern Pa area have one for sale or any idea of a reasonable
substitute so  I can safely work the underside of the  tub.


I don't know the sites offhand that illustrate this, but he spridget guys  
have used two engine stands, one for each end, with an angle iron adapter to  
bolt to the bumper mounts at each end.  There's also a few that made a  plywood 
and two by four octagon for each end and bolted it to the same bumper  mounts. 
 The octagon was 5 or 6 feet tall, and allowed 8 aspects for work  on the 
The engine stands are  usually under $150 on sale, you probably  already have 
one, and you don't need the most heavy duty for a tub.
One fellow, again for a Spridget, just mounted a 4x4 upright in his shop,  
from floor to rafter, ran a bolt through the middle of it at the appropriate  
height, and bolted his angle iron to that.  This idea kind of limits where  you 
can put the tub, but is probably the cheapest of all.
Robert B.  Houston
Texan in New Mexico

63 TR4

As he stared at her ample  bosom, he daydreamed of the dual Stromberg
carburetors in his vintage  Triumph, highly functional yet pleasingly formed, 
perched prominently on top of  the intake manifold, aching for experienced 
hands, the small knurled caps of the  oil dampeners begging to be inspected and 
adjusted as described in chapter seven  of the shop manual.

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