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[TR] A 'For Sale' question...

To: "TriumphTeam" <>
Subject: [TR] A 'For Sale' question...
From: "Mark Meany" <>
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 17:50:03 -0500
Triumph aficionados here in the northeast US may well remember Fred Perry of 
Brattleboro, VT. His knowledge & shed's worth of TR parts, particularly for 
the TR-3, were seemingly inexhaustible as well as his willingness to share 
his passion with a neophyte. During winters, he would rebuild/restore parts 
& squirrel them away in milk crates & boxes of every description. Fred Perry 
passed away about a month ago & so an effort is underway to help his Sally, 
his wife, sell off his inventory.

Has anyone faced a similar project & how did they best go about it? 
Currently, we're thinking of taking one area at a time & publishing a list 
of available items maybe on a web site (which would teach me a thing or 
two). I thought of approaching this list first before eBay because I've 
gotten to know most of the names (even tho' I'm not a regular poster) & feel 
pretty comfortable dealing with y'all.

Please feel free to respond directly as I'm on Digest. 

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