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Re: [TR] Lucas - BEER?

To: "Randall" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Lucas - BEER?
From: "Michael Marr" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 19:15:55 -0500
> Next you'll be wanting me to call it uisge beatha.  (Ok, ok, now someone 
> can
> lecture me on whether Gaelic capitalizes it's nouns or not :)
> Randall

Sometimes spelled usquebaugh, which, I believe, means "water of life" - 
derived from the latin, aqua vita.  There is also a firey spirit produced in 
Sweden, I believe, called akvavit.  Its from the same root.

I heard that James Olson is actually on a distillery tour in Scotland.


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