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Re: [TR] Lucas - BEER?

Subject: Re: [TR] Lucas - BEER?
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 18:28:02 EDT
In a message dated 8/17/2007 8:08:44 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: 
> Several years ago there was an article in one of the US national news 
> magazines saying that Bud was the best US beer. The reason given was because 
> its consistency. A Bud in Maine tastes just like a Bud in Dallas etc. people 
> always know what to expect with Bud.
Using that logic one would conclude that the best restaurant out there is 
McDonald's.  There is a difference between consistency and flavor.

But seriously, Anheuser-Busch is the largest brewery in the world.  They make 
and sell more beer than any other outfit.  And Consistency is one reason.  
Considering how variable the ingredients can be, especially the water, that is 
remarkable.  And their distribution system is also top notch.  A-B can make any 
kind of beer it wants to and make it well and make it over and over.  

Unfortunately, their prime product is of a nature that I don't like.  I don't 
like yellow beer.  I much prefer dark ales, stouts, porters and bock beers.  
Something with a complex flavour.  A-B has dabbled in the nitch markets with 
products like Mule Kick Stout which is a very good stout.  Very hard to find as 

A-B makes the beer that most consumers what to drink and I don't fit that 
mold.  But that's OK.  I pride myself in my iconoclast-ness.


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