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Re: [TR] James S Olson is out of the office.

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] James S Olson is out of the office.
From: "David Brister" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 13:22:56 +0200
I am as happy as anyone on the list for James S Olsen that he has escaped 
the bounds of his office until next Monday and  I am sure we all 
congratulate him on his generosity in sharing this joyful news with us 
instead of selfishly confining it to his immediate businnes associates

I wonder if his domain has anything to do with the famous Colonel 
Sanders? If so, should we be anxious for the chickens' welfare without James 
S Olsen's attention? Can anyone shed any light?.

Inquiring minds want to know

David Brister
1967 TR4A (Now with an oiltight gearbox.)

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