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Re: [TR] Inflating Tires w/ Nitrogen?

To: "'Triumph Sports car discussion'" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Inflating Tires w/ Nitrogen?
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 10:03:53 -0700
> Actually the main reason to use Nitrogen in a vehicle, that 
> is revelant to
> us drivers (in layman's terms), is that the molecules for nitrogen are
> basically larger, and thus do not escape through the tires as 
> does regular "air". 

Even if those claims are totally true (which I doubt), the claimed
difference is minimal.  And pretty much vanishes the first time you check
your tires.

> It also has another benefit of not containing any harmful 
> elements (to the
> rubber compounds in tires anyway) , thus prolonging the life 
> (at least the
> inside) of the tire.

Ever see a tire wear out on the inside first ?

Next they'll be selling us special alloy hats (made of something
suspiciously similar to aluminum foil) to stop the cosmic rays from damaging
our brains.

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