Hi List!
A follow up to my thread: 'Adj. Su's leaner'. I've finialy been able to adj.
the Su's to a leanest to the point of NOT having my spark plugs black.
Yesterday, I removed the plugs to find them a brownish colour & installed new
ones. I haven't had a chance to drive the Garage Queen yet. to see what colour
the plugs will be. I'm counting on them being a lightish brown colour, but
really won't know until I drive & pull the plugs for inspection.
The other reason for this post is to thank everyone who replied to my request
of having an artical in Classic Motorsports. I'm having a list member sending
me the artical for me to read. I also had a person infom me about the
'British Form' that is running a discution on Oxgent sensoring testing.
-Cosmo Kramer
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