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Re: [TR] Re: Blogs

To: <>,
Subject: Re: [TR] Re: Blogs
From: "Aldwyn" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:38:34 -0700
> Secondly and more to the point-ly, I've never understood the concept.

Hi Jim,

I think for the most part, blogs are an easy way for friends to keep in 
touch. And to do so in an easy way.  For instance, Hazel can blog about 
how she's vacationing in Cancun, and how glad she is to be away from 
all of those house chores! (am I dating myself here?  Ok, I only 
watched Hazel in reruns...)  There are many other ways to do this of 
course... Like you mentioned, Forums, etc..

On in my case, it's how I announced to my friends that I had bought a 
TR6.  :)  To me, it beats picking up the phone and calling a dozen 
people.  I can also post pictures, too.

I don't tend to read any "business blogs", such as newspaper writers', 
reporters, etc..  I suppose the only difference between the blogs of 
writers, and their published word is that their blogs are not edited.  
Doesnt matter to me, though.  :)  I tend to only read my friend's 
blogs, and then only from time to time.

BTW, I really dont blog myself.  Only on the rare occasion.  I keep a 
Myspace Music account to show off songs I have written and/or recorded 
(former perfessional musician, so it sticks with me) and to keep up 
with my friends' blogs.

- Aldwyn

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