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Re: [TR] Storing you Head!

To: Cosmo Kramer <>,
Subject: Re: [TR] Storing you Head!
From: Doug Mathews <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 14:06:33 -0500

I think you are supposed to store then on the end, not flat.  Just 
make sure they cannot fall over!


At 10:13 AM 1/12/2007, you wrote:
>Hi List!
>I happen to have a spare TR4/A head lying around. I
>was thinging of getting it magna fluxed, to see if
>it's NOW worth rebuilding.
>The questions that I have are:
>Could a head 'warp' by lying around?
>Is there a 'specif' way of storing a head? Like
>storing a Crank.
>I was thinking of taking a 1/4' or thicker steel plate
>& mount it to the cylinder side & tourquing the
>bolts/nuts to 105 ft #/inch to prevent it from warping
>after it's rebuilt.  Is this a god or bad idea?
>Fell free to answer to me or the TRIUMPH List, NOW
>that I'm back on line.  TIA,
>-Cosmo Kramer

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