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RE: [TR] Master Cyl. leak

To: "David Gunn" <>,,
Subject: RE: [TR] Master Cyl. leak
From: "Michael Andrews" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 22:45:52 -0800
> [Original Message]
> From: Michael Andrews <>
> To: David Gunn <>; <>;
> Date: 1/10/2007 9:55:05 PM
> Subject: RE: [TR] Master Cyl. leak
> It was a good theory but mine still weeps ( and removes paint) --I also
suspect that there is enough back pressure to spit small amounts of fluif
back through the vent in the cap. I placed a deflector under the cap to
deflect any direct flow and even turn the top plate around . It still
leaked after a hard drive in the mountains  . I think something like the
rubber bellows some of the modern cars have in the reservoirs would do the
trick. I am also going to try the superduper front axles from TRF to see if
the axle wobble is responsible for pumping back into the brake system ( my
car has front disc brakes --yes it's heresy)  Mike TR2inLA
> > [Original Message]
> > From: David Gunn <>
> > To: <>; <>
> > Date: 1/10/2007 10:17:04 AM
> > Subject: RE: [TR] Master Cyl. leak
> >
> > John - As I recall, before I dismantled my "2", I had the same problem.

> > Everything was tight, and the gaskets did not leak.  It only seemed to 
> > "dribble" when I drove it.  I believe it was Lou, from this list, who 
> > suggested that it was pressure within the master cylinder from the
> > hole between the bores and the tank on top.  His theory was that when
> > pedal was released, the fluid returned to the tank on top, and caused a 
> > small geyser which in turn caused the leak.  His solution was to create
> > small plate to fit within the tank, over the relief hole, which would 
> > prevent the fluid from "geysering" too high.
> >
> > If this doesn't make any sense, maybe Lou can describe it better.
> >
> > David Gunn
> > 1954 TR2 TS3388L
> > Chico, CA
> >
> >
> > >From: John Gillis <>
> > >Reply-To: John Gillis <>
> > >To:
> > >Subject: [TR] Master Cyl. leak
> > >Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 17:59:36 +0000
> > >
> > >Hi guys,
> > >Having fitted my re-sleeved and overhauled (new seals etc.)
> > >brake/clutch master cylinder and bleeding out both dealing with a few
> > >pipe dribbles here and there I was disappointed to find a small but
> > >definite fluid leak from the master cylinder itself, which gathered
> > >under the cylinder and then found its way via a bolt hole or two onto
> > >the footwell. After checking I was happy it did not come from the two
> > >pipe connections nor from the pushrods, from which I removed the
> > >rubber boots. So I guessed it was from the endplate/gasket area. I
> > >was planning to remove the cylinder and deal with it but over the
> > >past 3 weeks the leak has stopped. Could this be due to me
> > >overfilling the master cyl, in the first instance and when it finally
> > >reached the recommended 1/2" below the lid it stopped, does this
> > >theory hold water? or fluid in this case. I should say although the
> > >car is not yet a runner, all plumbing is in place and working and I
> > >pumped both pedals on a regular basis to keep stuff from sticking.
> > >All opinions welcome
> > >thanks
> > >John
> > >BTW I used DOT5, lucky, otherwise I would also be faced with some 
> > >re-painting

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